adjective as in having unrealistic beliefs
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Example Sentences
These people are clearly delusional, or think they’re invincible.
When you hear that someone is delusional, you might think they’re schizophrenic or psychotic.
Today both the Senate and House will vote multiple times to reject your delusional conspiracy theories and affirm the certified Electoral College results.
If someone told you in March, when the World Health Organization finally called the Covid-19 outbreak a pandemic, that we’d have three strong coronavirus vaccine candidates by mid-November, you might have called that person delusional.
It doesn’t necessarily mean that those who score very high in the Light Triad are delusional.
At one point they even told her she was delusional, despite her diffuse ulcerating lesions.
I suppose you can if you were dumb and delusional enough to think that the Emmy voters might liven things up a little bit.
He became acutely delusional and committed suicide after attacking his father.
But according expert opinion and the case details released to the public, she was also floridly psychotic and delusional.
Burke insists that he is not nostalgic and he is not delusional.
Paranoia, as it is called, mild delusional insanity, may assert itself and then may persist for the rest of life.
Later we shall have something to say about the delusional systems which appear to be common to the crowd-mind and the paranoiac.
May, 1907:—Still delusional, hypochondriacal; paralysis very much improved.
On his transfer to our Hospital he readily carries over his delusional ideas to the officials here.
He adhered very tenaciously to his delusional system and believed himself fully justified in all his litigious pursuits.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.