deep sleep
noun as in hypnotism
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It is the only popular consumer technology to measure both REM (which restores the mind) and deep sleep (which restores the body).
Longer naps will take you into the deep-sleep stage and leave you feeling groggy instead of energized upon waking up.
When this was decided, he opted for a shot that would put him into a deep sleep until his body would, finally, allow him to leave.
I always have this feeling, this waking from deep sleep to unease, when someone I know passes away.
Claus was ultimately acquitted on appeal, but Sunny never woke up from her deep sleep.
It was two nights after this conversation that I woke out of deep sleep and heard sounds of screaming.
You mean his Subtle Body, as you call it, might issue forth automatically in deep sleep and seek the object of its desire?
The danger of collapse was past for the present, but the deep sleep of utter intoxication still clung to the ruler of Asturia.
Head buried in the straw pillow, my heart breaking, I sink into deep sleep.
Ivan went home, lay down, and fell into a deep sleep, from which he did not awake until the sun was high in the heavens.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.