

View definitions for dancers


noun as in ballerina

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Something fascinating is going on in the gravitational dance of galaxies, from watching the slow twirls of the dancers.

But when she opened the door, a harem of toned and dreaded hip-hop dancers were lounging on couches staring at her.

Allison Holker has gone on now to Dancing with the Stars, as most of my dancers have gone on to Dancing with the Stars.

And I think any dancers watching the shows will know what these kids are going through and how hard they are pushed.

Well Newsies is stacked with former So You Think You Can Dance dancers.

You see, all the swells sat in their boxes and gazed right down on the dancers, who had a circular place roped off for them.

Now and then - 63 -he turns his head slowly as he leads, and rests these keen, penetrating orbs on the sea of dancers below him.

He sat down at a table near the door and searched the minds of the dancers for a clue to the meaning of what he saw.

Priests attend upon the goddess, and female dancers display their talent before her, accompanied by the loud music of the tam-tam.

In their youth both had been enthusiastic admirers of the ballet, and had often tried to imitate the art of the dancers.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


