adverb as in beautifully
adverb as in prettily
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Years later, the area becomes a cute, little place called Kingstowne.
Players take on cute avatars, build their own house, explore, and “travel” to other islands if they want.
You learn about great wine, you learn about talented sommeliers, you get cute tasting notes.
I might wear one on Thanksgiving just because it’s a cute accessory.
So, in the end, it’s not those big eyes, the cooing noises, or the soup slurping that make LBY so unbearably cute—although those moments don’t hurt.
She makes Pop Art-inspired figurative collages of dogs, with their heads cocked cutely and their eyes impossibly wide open.
I didn't find the fair lady, but packed cutely away under the old fellow's bunk was about a cord o' money!
La Frochard administered a terrible pinch that pulled Louise away, then “mothered” her cutely.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.