


Definition for customized

adjective as in built or made to order

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Building on that, a new Insights page in the Google Ads UI will bring in data from Rising Retail Categories as well as Google Trends data that is customized to the account.

Group members can also choose to customize their profile photo for each group they participate in.

Each earbud has a control button onboard, which you can customize in the UE app.

There’s also an adjustable night light—perfect for babies—and auto-off timer settings so you can customize when the sounds end.

So the factories that are able to do this, to really produce very customized products, very efficiently, they have to look much different.

To that end, PepsiCo adapts different global brands with products customized for specific markets.

The company created customized mixtapes at the point-of-sale with its own proprietary technology.

The Period Store allows women to order feminine hygiene products online in customized care packages.

The agreement with Iowa, which will be “customized” along Arkansas lines, is pretty much finalized.

These services take long, ugly website addresses and present them in shortened, customized format.

Such a customized, individually-centered perspective is not popular today.

These choices are embodied in precise, customized diets based on individual requirements as defined by dietitians.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


