adjective as in solid
Strongest match
Example Sentences
However, in the meantime, the US had stuck with the briefly-popular Queen Anne gallon—231 cubic inches of fluid.
The two swimmers are chosen based on FINA points, which are calculated using a cubic curve.
Within six days, all 600 million to 750 million cubic meters of lake water had vanished, leaving a deep sinkhole filled with fractured ice.
Thanks to its very low density of fewer than 40 kilograms per cubic meter, the cockpit was ultra-lightweight.
Hilbert’s idea of using a line on a cubic surface to solve a ninth-degree polynomial can be extended to lines on these higher-dimensional hypersurfaces.
The concentration of PM2.5, the smallest particulate matter, is at 153 micrograms per cubic meter.
Each year their fields need at least 53 billion cubic meters of water for irrigation.
The conflict in Ukraine caused Gazprom to cut production volumes from 496.4 billion cubic meters to 463 billion cubic meters.
The daughter had also been exposed and was comatose before she and her mother each received A 250 cubic centimeter transfusion.
She grew increasingly ill despite a 450 cubic centimeter transfusion and became comatose after five days.
The product is then multiplied by the number of cubic centimeters voided in twenty-four hours and divided by 1000.
Clodd tells us that one cubic inch of rotten stone contains 41 thousand million vegetable skeletons of diatoms.
The normal number of leukocytes varies from 5000 to 10,000 per cubic millimeter of blood.
An immense bag of linen lined with paper, and containing 23,000 cubic feet, was provided for the occasion.
Places on the Alaskan coast, laid bare at high tide, are said to have yielded as much as $12,000 per cubic yard.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.