

View definitions for convex


adjective as in rounded, curving outward

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To take advantage of the Coandӑ effect, most noseriding boards have a convex surface on the back three quarters of the bottom deck.

In The Father, that’s the convex-mirror world Anthony, as played by Anthony Hopkins, finds himself in.

From Time

So for a 100-dimensional convex shape, for example, they knew that the best straight cut will expose at most about 10 times as much surface area as the very best cut.

A convex shape cannot have a disproportionately small flat cut like the one in the dumbbell, but perhaps it could have a disproportionately small curved cut.

High-dimensional convex shapes are a central object of study not just for pure mathematicians but also for statisticians, machine learning researchers and other computer scientists working with high-dimensional data sets.

A convex lens is fixated on a slanted ceiling emanating a faint amount of soft white light.

It is sometimes indented, with its convex side in contact with the periphery of the cell.

Ellis's patent boot studs to save the sole, and the Euknemida, or concave-convex fastening springs, are the latest novelties.

From his waistcoat pocket he took a little silver convex mirror and surveyed himself critically therein.

This insect is much less in size than the former, and is more convex.

The body is very convex:, having the thorax as wide as the abdomen, subquadrate, with very convex sides.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


