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One of its few concessions to the luxurious standards of the neighbors is a long, winding road.

In the past, the international community has enticed the Kim regime to negotiate by giving up-front concessions.

It went back and forth with the IRS and eventually made some concessions.

Iran had already offered to play a more “active role” in the regional fight against ISIS, in exchange for nuclear concessions.

Few people in Gaza believe Israel will make any concessions if they do not show their determination to resist.

The recent concessions made by the Spanish Government have been seen by the Philippine public.

All the concessions made, however, failed to conciliate the Irish members.

Additional concessions were also made in the committee; and even Mr. Shiel remarked that Ireland ought to be grateful.

Jane marvelled at the concessions that had been made to her, at the extent to which things were being done for her.

In conclusion, Mr. Cobden called upon the protectionists cheerfully to make concessions for the good of the community.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


