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Staffers were frantically compiling information from eyewitnesses and Japanese sources.

CPCR, which had been compiling evidence against him since 2006, before his exact location was known, filed official suit in 2009.

As I was tidying up the draft and compiling all my blocked plotlines for her, something unexpected happened.

Bansley has been compiling incident reports of the some 100 gang-related funeral processions to Mount Hope a year.

Whatever quarrels the reader has with Sutherland, it is difficult to fault his intentions or his spirit in compiling this list.

Many Balzacians have dreamed of compiling such a civil record.

The result was that the project of compiling, was given up; and a work prepared, which is chiefly original.

At the end of the century bibliographers advanced to the stage of compiling annual bibliographies of bibliographies.

It is a pity that they did not take him and cut him up in little stars for a light to all his brethren in compiling thereafter.

The authorities here are compiling a list of those prisoners who are wounded and unfit for further service.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


