

View definitions for comes up

comes up

verb as in happen suddenly

Weak match

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We won't find out this season, though it comes up occasionally.

One topic that comes up among the members, she says, is dealing with loss years later.

Are we all so stuck in our roles that when a given issue comes up, we just default to type?

One and all, they come shaking their tin cups at election time then run like the wind when a critical vote comes up.

The mother goes under, comes up for air, screams at you and goes under again.

Of course, if anything out of the ordinary comes up you'll have to use your own judgment; you know just as much as we do, now.

The plows are by the corral, and the first team that comes up is to be harnessed to each in turn.

Look at the position you take when you go into a public room, and talk about any subject that comes up.

It seemed a dream, and comes up now again out of the afternoon sunshine where I sit on deck.

“It comes up easy,” he said to Joe, as he drew it up slowly to the surface, hand over hand.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


