Example Sentences
Backing that vision are a clutch of regional and international investors including Kaszek Ventures, Ribbit Capital, and Index Ventures.
As well-rounded and thoughtfully executed as the characters, world and story are, I found myself both frustrated with the complexity of the controls and tiring of the repetition that comes with trap-setting and luring the Bugsnax into my clutches.
When the clutch of five to eight eggs is complete, they lose interest in sex, which doesn’t change their relationship much because they hadn’t seemed all that interested to begin with.
Ultimately, Mando returns the favor and saves the little tyke from the clutches of evil, and then makes it his mission to ensure Baby Yoda’s safety.
Inside, a robotic arm carefully lowers a clutch of what look like small eyedroppers to a specialized tray containing small plastic reservoirs, deploying a careful measure of liquid into each.
After walking block after block holding that container, he had suddenly discarded it and was now clutching a gun.
Prince William was seen clutching an envelope, when they left, most likely containing images of the scan.
Both have elicited the same hand wringing and pearls clutching.
He is clutching more out of habit than for any practical reason his black briefcase.
Later Rain tells me she had never heard of Weeks, the girl who was clutching her like her favorite sorority sister.
She tottered up the steps, clutching feebly at the post before passing into the house.
He stood in front of the virtuous harridan, his lips working, his fingers convulsively clutching the air.
Then she closed the door as quietly as possible, and clutching the handrail began to grope her way downstairs.
Lawrence saw one of his men reel and then fall forward, clutching his horse's neck.
She left her question unfinished, her hand clutching nervously at the bosom of her gown.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.