

View definitions for childbearing


adjective as in able to have children

noun as in giving birth

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This was first reported was in 2001, when fertility doctor Kutluk Oktay, then at Weill Medical College of Cornell University, reported freezing strips of ovarian tissue taken from women who needed or wanted to delay childbearing.

Women with higher educational levels, especially unmarried women, tend to put off childbearing until their early 30s.

Female athletes often face a difficult decision around motherhood, as our prime athletic years generally also fall within our prime childbearing years.

The notion of a ticking biological clock entered my head, and I became aware that my childbearing years were starting to dwindle.

Add to that the fact that women’s childbearing years are limited and some may feel under pressure to get pregnant.

As Claire Cain Miller of The New York Times points out, “workplaces could be seen as paying women to put off childbearing.”

The women in her family die young from childbearing and harsh living.

Potential recruits are told their main role in the Islamic revolution will be through matrimony and childbearing, not martyrdom.

The author assumes that pair bonds are not only always heterosexual, but always motivated by childbearing decisions.

Some 18 percent of married women have only one child by the end of their childbearing years, double what it was 30 years ago.

At the end of the childbearing period menstruation gradually ceases.

The world is turning round and over and back to that one previous historical era when the aversion to childbearing was widespread.

After twenty-five years bearing, and forbearing, and childbearing, you will smile at your gentle-shepherding of to-day.

It is most important that the childbearing wife and mother have a long period of rest between births.

She made her will in the avowed expectation that she was about to undergo the perils of childbearing.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


