

View definitions for canceled


adjective as in discontinued

adjective as in off

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The proceedings expected this week in Guantanamo Bay had been canceled.

The CIA canceled the deal three years later, but by then the duo had received $81 million.

The second set was immediately canceled, and everyone was warned to take caution and head home.

Though Mayor Bill de Blasio was originally scheduled to attend, he canceled after the grand jury announcement.

A Bangkok theater chain subsequently canceled its planned screenings of the new film.

Some big act is canceled owing to illness and they have to have a sketch.

Your lease is by the term—a term being three months—and can be canceled upon giving one term's notice.

In the end they canceled all London engagements and quietly set out for Scotland.

I canceled Ange's dinner at our place and started spending even more time there.

Exemptions from taxation extended to members of the Council were canceled for the duration of the war.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


