Example Sentences
He rushed back to Tampa and has declined interviews but spoke last week at a memorial service honoring Calyx and Beau.
Another previous incident had caused Calyx's mouth to bleed, Calyx said, although Julie said she never saw any blood.
In October, Parker posted a photo of Calyx with her cross-country teammates.
To impregnate these, a bunch of male flowers is carefully inserted and fastened in the calyx.
These rubiace had no calyx; therefore the principle laid down on the blackboard was false.
Alismace, distinguished by possessing barren and fertile flowers, with a three-leaved calyx and three coloured petals.
The calyx is composed of five sepals, the corolla of four or five lobes, and the stamens are attached to the corolla.
The umbels are sessile or nearly so, the flowers have no calyx, and the fruit has five prominent ridges.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.