noun as in illegitimate child
noun as in love child
Example Sentences
For those seeking a blow-by-blow account of the conflict, this book will more than satisfy.
In the Vietnam era, the public often participated in such debates, because we received blow-by-blow accounts from the battlefield.
He gives a blow-by-blow account of a mission that ends in tragedy for some of the soldiers but in triumph for Karzai.
A blow-by-blow guide to the four stages of market-related sexual dysfunction.
The next half hour covered a blow-by-blow account of Paul Brennan's efforts to have the minor restored to him.
In fact, I got a blow-by-blow description of your entire escape from them.
Nature had meant him for a butcher, but, being a by-blow of a great house, a discerning patron had diverted him bishopward.
They are this far right, that romance is a late by-blow of the ageless creative hunger.
Tush, a by-blow for mirth, we must have better purchase, we want a fourth for another project that I have ripen'd.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.