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In some senses, You is what you might get if Curb Your Enthusiasm’s “social assassin” Larry David were a literal assassin, violently vanquishing braggarts and navel gazers and empty-headed trend chasers of every variety.

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Theoretical physicist Sabine Hossenfelder, who probably is the smartest person on her block, has fun in her latest video skewering the scientific braggart.

Sometimes being a great braggart isn’t about how much money you got.

It seems the braggart was unaware of the changes in the law.

One of us had even claimed to be present at Castra Regina, although we mainly considered him a braggart.

In the book, Alice is a smug, Victorian braggart who loves nothing more than showing off her knowledge.

He had never been a braggart; his hostility had always been lazy and cynical.

Richard sent a shaft through the very heart of this braggart Turk.

But the Huguenot generals evidently imagined that there was nothing in the speech beyond the prating of a silly braggart.

She would not marry a coward or a braggart, even if he were the owner of ten thousand acres.

Perhaps it was for the cowardice he had displayed in action, for he was an arrant coward and braggart.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


