

View definitions for body armor

body armor

noun as in coat of mail

noun as in plate armor

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Another member of the plot took care of the ammo along with black uniforms, night-vision equipment, and body armor.

Nor was an eyelash batted when he bought body armor and tear gas from and BP Arms, respectively.

The soldiers in 2nd Platoon, Blackfoot Company discovered his rifle, helmet, body armor and web gear in a neat stack.

Things continued longer than usual, and soon we decided to wear our body armor.

The players with more money purchase better weapons, better cars and better body armor.

A type of body armor, made of wooden rods and used in open warfare, is said to have been sometimes used by bear doctors.

Gen. Rochambeau is said to have worn body armor at the siege of Yorktown.

The German troops used body armor in large numbers, each set weighing from 19 to 24 pounds.

Body armor came to its highest development long after gunpowder was in common use in war.

He had learned to wear his helmet, but he had yet to be convinced of the practical value of body armor.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


