noun as in United Kingdom
Example Sentences
We reckon Harry will allow himself a glass of something bubbly on the plane back to Blighty this evening.
Queen Beatrix may be ready to pack up and go, but here in Blighty, like it or not, our Kings and Queens have a job for life.
It more likely means you are a working class lad from Blighty.
Ive got my dose, an Im bound for Blighty, he said, an gels chuckin flowers in the ambulance in Lunnon.
Youll soon be tucked up safe in a bed now, or pushin on to the ambulance train and a straight run ome to Blighty.
Our right section commander got a blighty two days ago and is probably now in England.
Everywhere we looked there were crowds of them; we thought there were a lot in Blighty, but there seemed to be nothing else here.
Shortly after this we had several casualties in Platoon 10—two or three were killed, and several wounded and got their "Blighty."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.