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noun as in a hit with a solid object

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Many nocturnal animals, including bats, tarsiers and slow lorises, communicate in ultrasound, probably to avoid detection by predators.

Jackson Cluff, the next player listed by Scialabba, is a similarly versatile shortstop who bats from the left side.

With De La Rosa, a prospect Scialabba first pointed to in the spring of 2019, the club sees athleticism and a developing left-handed bat.

One mid-order bat is a must, no excuses, in the post-Rendon era.

They came out to their colleagues in late 2019 as genderqueer and said most of them didn’t “bat an eye.”

Nor was an eyelash batted when he bought body armor and tear gas from and BP Arms, respectively.

The Congressman barely batted an eye when the stage beneath him began to crumble under the weight of the supporters on it.

The company batted off concerns over rising prices and the detrimental effects on competition and consumer choice.

She batted her blue eyes at the camera; they were like diamond studs over a silver platter lake.

“I never batted a thousand but I got some things done,” he says.

He batted them away like insects, but they surrounded him and piled on.

One of the body armors noticed her and he moved swiftly to her and batted her phone away with a gloved hand.

In serving, the ball must be batted at least ten feet by the server before being touched by any other player on his side.

The ball was batted and thrown around listlessly, and Nelsons efforts to wake the fellows up bore no fruit.

Not another ball was batted to center field; not once, in the innings that followed, was Nap on base.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


