

View definitions for banked


verb as in collect money or advantage

verb as in lean or tilt

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Most Americans saw that $1,200 stimulus check automatically deposit into their bank accounts.

From Fortune

Both urban and rural food networks have seen donations drop, forcing food banks to dip into their own budgets to purchase food that usually would be freely given.

Interest ratesCentral banks have kept rates low during the pandemic.

From Fortune

Bank stocks have lagged the broader market, but bank earnings should jump as the economy moves closer to normalcy.

From Fortune

As recently outlined in a major study, business owners of color overall, both male and female, are plagued by the challenges of finding equity capital to launch a new venture, or of accessing bank credit for expansion.

From Fortune

At 9:03, the second plane banked sickly toward the south tower as the world watched on television.

It banked a Disney-record $67.4 million over the three-day weekend, and $93.9 million for the five-day holiday.

We drove along the beach outside of her base to a highway banked by long stretches of shopping developments.

There is a comfort level for women to be banked by other women.

The de Blasio campaign banked on the ultra-liberal electorate that decides New York City primary elections.

About midnight the combination of sultry heat and banked clouds produced the usual results.

In the west the sky was a maze of colors as the last rays of the sun flashed on the banked clouds.

Between green thickets and leafy arbors she could see the silver stream of the Kuweik creeping silently in its flower-banked bed.

He banked left and followed the contour of the mountain, and found another group of soldiers camped near the pumice works.

The entire pedestal was banked by pots of growing plants—including palms, dracinas, ponisettas in full bloom, etc.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


