

View definitions for ATM


noun as in automated teller machine

noun as in cash machine

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They were presumably brought down and sacrificed in ATM to help garner favor for a possibly ailing community.

Jack only released the how-to of the hack to the ATM makers, and only after the fixes had already been made.

The Somalis counted down again, minute thirty, minute, thirty seconds, twenty… ATM and Colin had their heads bowed.

If you had the choice, would you rather use your debit card or your smartphone to access your account at an ATM?

For example, if you lose or forget your ATM card, you can prove your identity by showing the teller a driver's license.

This is represented by the curve FI; under a pressure of 225 atm.

He got a huge garlicky kebab and ate it in the lee of a frozen ATM shelter, wolfing it without tasting it.

In other words, if we take the mean case, an increase of pressure of more than 30 atm.

So also is the Atm in man ere evolution and struggle have begun.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


