noun as in study of the stars and planets other than earth
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Example Sentences
The new LEO satellites don’t affect every astronomy program the same way.
There is no technical or regulatory obstacle to launching a constellation of ultra-bright satellites that might render many or most astronomy programs impossible.
The true threat these mega-constellations pose to the astronomy community is only just beginning to be understood.
The team used the tool to confirm 50 new potential planets, a first for artificial intelligence as applied to astronomy.
Remotely operated and robotic telescopes, no matter how incredible, can also only satisfy some of the diverse observational needs of the astronomy community.
The authors took care to eliminate the possibility of other sources of polarization, which is always a concern in astronomy.
Muslims made many discoveries in mathematics, chemistry, physics, medicine, astronomy and psychology.
Nearly everything we know about dark matter so far comes from astronomy.
One of the big challenges in astronomy involves determining when the first galaxies formed, and what they looked like.
Cosmic ray observations are more challenging than many other forms of astronomy.
A learned Professor declared that no person unacquainted with astronomy could correlate “Moon” to “Omnibus.”
First of all comes astronomy, including the phenomena exhibited in the heavens, beyond the limits of the earth's atmosphere.
Science began with astronomy, and the first instruments which men contrived for the purpose of investigation were astronomical.
As stated in the chapter on astronomy, some trace of the triangular form appears in the land masses of the planet Mars.
He talked until late into the night about astronomy and its latest discoveries.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.