assembly line
noun as in manufacturing system
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Weak match
Example Sentences
In the early 2000s, many people who worked in manufacturing in north Alabama supported Southern Democrats, and Obama enjoyed support on assembly lines and in union halls.
So they drove tractors on farms or they worked on assembly lines and in explosive factories.
They were constructed with speed and precision in mind, making them ideal for things like assembly line work.
It was an assembly line of sorts, if assembly lines involved a lot of talking, laughing and pan dulce breaks.
A new company, Iowa Beef Packers, later bought by Tyson, was transforming the industry with automated factories built like an assembly line.
At break time, the entire assembly line would run over to play the machines that were ready to be shipped out.
These two women are assembly-line workers in the ultimate factory of patriarchy.
By the early 2000s, however, the pendulum was starting to swing back toward the old assembly-line model—with one big difference.
Amid this, however, New York occupied a central place in the assembly-line production of hits and musical acts.
“It's an assembly line,” says Chloe Hilliard, an up-and-coming African American New York City-based working stand up comic.
The kind they turn off the assembly line to hold up the fronts of pool parlors.
The man didn't look at him; he kept his eyes averted from both Lee and the blood-spattered assembly line.
It reminded Verkan Vail of some sort of industrial assembly-line operation.
At the very end of this assembly line a crane was loading a finished object onto a flat-bed trailer.
The assembly line of pushpots grew shorter, and the remaining monstrosities around the sidewall were plainly near to completion.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.