Example Sentences
NASA wants to buy some moon rocks, and it’s seeking out companies to make space mining trips so that it can establish a legal framework for its galactic aspirations.
If you choose the right life partner, who understands and supports your aspirations, you can achieve almost anything in life.
So the new agreement seems to be an effort to turn that aspiration into action, and commit the Forest Service to matching the effort.
Verily, though, has aspirations to potentially go further by, for example, integrating data from mobile health devices.
This workshop tapped into the community’s aspiration to build more democratic, cooperative, and equitable algorithmic systems by incorporating participatory methods into their design.
A soldier in the service of ideals and aspirations that formed his core.
More than a few were willing to be open about their sexual, if not romantic, aspirations.
That phenomenon is not limited to peaceniks with spiritual aspirations.
In her Silver Jubilee speech she said that while she understood independence aspirations, she wanted to see the UK remain united.
Still, Ehrlich, who now works at the Washington law firm King & Spalding, harbors aspirations of having “a voice in the party.”
I want it to be great, free, and happy, and to shape its own destinies according to its desires and aspirations.
She did not yet know how necessary climbing might be, in her new country life, but her aspirations did not tend that way.
Was it right to fill this woman with romantic aspirations that could never be gratified?
That my aspirations were satisfied I do not pretend, for ambition forbade any settled feeling of rest or content.
She went home despising in her heart both lords and menials, and dreaming, with new aspirations, of her Roman republic.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.