adjective as in (Biology) independent of sexual processes
Example Sentences
For example, there are those, referred to as “asexuals” and “aromantics,” who lack interest in sexual and romantic relationships.
Aromantics may have sexual feelings or be asexual, but they do not have romantic feelings.
Data from a 1994 British survey of more than 18,000 people showed 1% of the respondents to be asexual.
Montour said society views blind people as asexual “cherubs” — people who are routinely touched by strangers who want to help them navigate the world when, often, they need no such help.
It’s also worth noting that many asexual folks find representation in Elsa, who just doesn’t seem like she can be bothered with the whole elaborate ritual of dating and marrying and mating.
The ambiance is almost asexual as rockabilly and Motown play in the background.
But whether good or bad, all are light as a soufflé, radiating asexual whiteness in every note.
New York magazine art critic Jerry Saltz described it as “fabulously complex, sexual, asexual, mysterious, powerful, impish.”
His encounter with a female Israeli soldier who seems at first rife for a sexual experience, ultimately proves an asexual one.
So when aging, largely asexual cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester announced her pregnancy, Gleeks barely blinked an eye.
Here they enter red corpuscles as young malarial parasites, and the majority pass through the asexual cycle just described.
Still other plants, mosses and ferns, give rise to two kinds of spores, sexual and asexual.
All of the above means of propagation are asexual and are of importance in our problem of plant breeding.
Asexual, a-seks′ū-al, adj. without sex, once applied to cryptogams—agamic.
Thus I have endeavored to sum up the processes of asexual and of sexual reproduction.
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