noun as in field
Strongest match
Example Sentences
The commissioner—no idea how or whether applicants were screened for racial biases.
Female applicants at the Texas Roadhouse in Columbus, Ohio had to meet some very high standards.
Applicants must have submitted all of their documents by this date.
He serves as an ambassador, meeting with applicants to the program as well as young entrepreneurial founders.
Only about one-third of the applicants who apply are accepted into the program run by the Korean government.
In the third Act we return to Mabel's flat and resume her interviews with the applicants for her hand.
Instead of confining their action to actual applicants for help, they had to search out cases of nuisance or dangerous disease.
In the outer offices a line of anxious applicants was being disposed of by his trained assistants.
No violent solution was needed, as several applicants came forward when Nelson's wish was known.
Before the day of opening we had thirty-two insistent applicants and wanted very much to receive them all.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.