Example Sentences
He also included a link to an annotated list of what he considered David Allan Coe’s 50 best songs.
We created an annotated Google Colab notebook that will install Senta, download our dataset, and assign a sentiment score to each row.
The annotated topics are surfaced on the page and contribute to SEO.
For those unfamiliar with Michals, an annotated biography and useful essays are included.
Reprinted from George Orwell: A Life in Letters, selected and annotated by Peter Davison.
The resulting text is both social commentary and annotated memoir—equal parts enlightening and enjoyable but sharp throughout.
Among the materials was an annotated cartoon booklet given to my father on his 22 birthday.
Many of the objects in the show are personal notes, annotated scripts, and letters.
Signed and annotated, you will see, by her Highness's own hand.
The protest of the German professors against the alleged Allied calumnies was printed in full and annotated with sympathy.
You are quite aware of this, and those who are not, may be convinced of it by opening any page of the annotated editions.
An annotated checklist and key to the reptiles of Mexico exclusive of the snakes.
He always has a special library on some particular subject, with the books all annotated.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.