animal husbandry
noun as in breeding and caring for farm animals
Example Sentences
From there we went on to talk about animal husbandry, vet schools, and the cowboys and ranchers he had come—improbably, but Rollin delighted in defying stereotypes—to admire.
It enables governments to install safeguards regarding animal husbandry and butchery to prevent any repeat.
Maybe no one will be the “husband” (as in, animal husbandry) and no one the chattel.
What does that have to do with good animal husbandry and biodiversity?
John Milton was a noble poet, but he was not a safe guide in matters pertaining to animal husbandry.
And this fact, which is so well established that it requires no argument, plainly shows that animal husbandry pays.
Animal husbandry is the sure foundation of profitable, permanent agriculture.
Among the first men to take up animal husbandry work of all kinds, were the veterinarians.
Farming and animal husbandry replaced scavenging, hunting, and foraging.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.