preposition as in middle
Example Sentences
Even those Christians who do want to minister amid the rancor of race and policing are missing the mark.
Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione asked residents to remain calm, amid fears of unrest.
His deficiencies and self-doubts, amid his epochal mission of liberation, are precisely what make him interesting.
It may be that some hagiographer yet to come will find the stained sheets of fact and memory amid his papers.
A white police officer standing amid the crowd inside the barricade got his laughs a moment later.
The night passed amid various excursions on the part of Aristide and alarms on the part of Jean.
In the aperture of the window, amid piles of paper, stood a rickety old table, covered with dust.
His steps led him now not to the beach, but to the Cemetery of Rocklington, amid the potato-fields.
Dressed in full uniform, amid cries of "Long live our King Joachim," the unfortunate man landed with twenty-six followers.
There, amid the deep silence of the listening centuries, he would find peace; forgetting himself a moment, he might find—strength.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.