verb as in relieve; lessen
Strong matches
Example Sentences
For novice and fitness-enthusiasts alike, the Amiigo's intelligent pattern recognition alleviates a major headache at the gym.
Tourism by itself can't resolve the country's economic problem – and tourism both alleviates and exacerbates it.
But nothing in its current structure alleviates those systemic risks and nothing in the current legislation does either.
Nevertheless, this testimony alleviates the weight of those which I may have unknowingly committed.'
When an Indian is sorrow-stricken over the death of a friend or relative, he alleviates his suffering by killing some one else.
The writer of romance alleviates or denies the bad consequences ascribed to his manner of composition.
One of them alleviates the monotony of the office duties by working at embroidery in bright worsteds.
True alms is pity rather than the pittance that alleviates the material hardships of life.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.