adjective as in approved
Strongest matches
Weak matches
adjective as in avowed
adjective as in declared
Weak match
adjective as in endorsed
adjective as in guaranteed
adjective as in promised
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak match
Example Sentences
The study found positive screens for depression and anxiety are correlated with access to gender-affirming care, and more than 40 percent of respondents reported losing access to mental health counseling.
The vibe of canyon country is distinct from anything in nature, a feeling at once humbling, boggling, meditative and affirming.
It is a grassroots organization committed to creating a world in which diversity is celebrated and all people are respected, valued, and affirmed.
If discovered, it will only affirm whatever negative biases her colleagues may already harbor.
It is essential we affirm our commitment to the rights of all our citizens, regardless of who they love.
That ruling was affirmed in a final judgment by the Afghan courts, which the Afghan Supreme Court confirmed in 2013.
The panel unanimously affirmed a jury verdict in favor of DuPont in 2011.
Ultimately it affirmed the official position that it pays people equally for equal performance.
In 1994, Mormon president Gordon Hinckley affirmed that “as God now is, man may become!”
That,” the paper affirmed, “could never have been the vision of the founding fathers of our nation.
They affirmed it was an antidote to all poison; that it expelled rheums, sour humours, and obstructions of all kinds.
Never has it been so wretched, as is affirmed openly by the oldest residents here, as well as by me.
Less than two months later (April 5), Edward affirmed that he had placed complete confidence (plenam fiduciam) in Bruce.
Mr. Alsop was thought to be of good heart, but unequal, as Mr. Scott affirmed, "to the trust in point of abilities."
The crew now lost courage, and affirmed that it would be advisable to turn back and wait for more favourable winds.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.