verb as in love intensely
Example Sentences
The Sotos would be set for generations, and Juan could focus on playing the game he loves in a city that adores him for a franchise with which he already has won a ring.
Irene adored Michelle, and when we married eight years later, Irene sat at my family’s table.
Kai also adores animals, so he started walking a neighbor’s dog — the highlight of his day.
I wanted to BE Wonder Woman, because that meant I could be adored by her love interest, Steve Trevor.
He might not have done Birdman either, a film that Keaton now adores.
When I saw Heaven Adores You at its premiere in San Francisco, there was a more relaxed vibe.
One of the big defenses Palin did manage to get in was that Robertson says he loves sinners, absolutely adores the folks.
Celeste Price is a sexy, attractive 26-year-old eighth-grade teacher with a perfect body, married to a wealthy man who adores her.
Yet overall the media absolutely adores cruise-ship stories, especially if they can be connected to effluent.
All Weimar adores him, and people say that women still go perfectly crazy over him.
She adores him, but her standard of perfection is so exalted few can attain it.
My heart adores that title and disdains any other; tell me how this Divine Love is nourished, how it works, how it purifies.
What but a man who adores God alone, who loves God above all things, who reposes all his trust and confidence in God?
It loves the fig-trees with nothing but leaves; it adores the stat magni nominis umbra.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.