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adverb as in finally

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No single survey should be treated as conclusive or even entirely accurate.

SEOs would often track post-update ranking shifts and try to figure out what exactly has changed, but there is rarely a conclusive observation.

This work “provided conclusive evidence,” said Karlsson Hedestam, that the virus was all that was needed to cause disease.

Pfizer has said it expects results by the end of October, but analysts who follow the company aren’t so sure it’ll be that soon or whether the results will be conclusive.

While some advertisers including Bayern have tested this theory, it’s mainly media agencies searching for conclusive evidence currently.

From Digiday

To be clear: There have been no double-blind or controlled studies that conclusively confirm this hair-loss hypothesis.

Unfortunately, that question may never be answered conclusively.

There is a widely accepted but never conclusively proven idea that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.

Nothing can be conclusively determined without an autopsy and even then we may never know for sure.

I cannot conclusively define the boundaries of a “humanitarian intervention” and neither can anybody else.

"Marco's" reply conclusively proved his possession of a Christian spirit.

Hope-Jones has proved conclusively that by exercise of the requisite skill it does and so have others who follow in his steps.

At the autopsy it was proved conclusively that the bullet inside the Prince was of German origin.

Then he conclusively proves the first impracticable and the second inexpedient.

Though Jackson's attack was successful, it is not therefore conclusively evident that Lee's plan was wise.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


