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The first, a young father from a town in the southern Netherlands, suffered shortness of breath, cough and fever at home for eight days before admission to intensive care.

From Fortune

The admission opened Barrios up to a potential violation of the city ethics ordinance, which prohibits officials from being paid by an outside entity while also on the city clock.

If the city ultimately decides to vacate people’s seditious language tickets and make them whole for the fines they paid, doing so could be seen as an admission that those people had been wronged.

The number of psychiatric admissions that went beyond medical necessity first spiked in 2015, going from 88 the year before to 246.

After high school, he moved to Tokyo and worked for two years at a cardboard factory before winning admission to Hosei University.

From Fortune

Admission is free, but by invitation only, and advance RSVP is required.

Then came the admission of a sham marriage with an immigrant.

He said it did not matter that today ISIS and al Qaeda were, by their own admission, two distinct entities.

No such admission has not come from Thomas Jackson, the Ferguson police chief.

He gestures to such emotions, grapples with them, but a direct engagement—an open admission such as this—is rare.

He had got his ticket of admission to the Casino, after arriving yesterday evening; but the Rooms had not pleased him then.

In the good old days of yore there was little trouble in obtaining admission to the Civil Service.

But the novel disappeared under the clothes with amazing celerity as the voice of her sister-in-law demanded admission.

Such an admission, coming from her brave lips, warned Frank that he must call a halt regardless of loss of time.

The pole was raised by the admission of the strong steam under its bottom.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


