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saga is a synonym of story

noun [ sah-guh ]

saga is another word for story

✅ A story is a narrative or tale that can be long or short, which is designed to interest or amuse an audience (Let me tell you the story of what happened at work today).

✅ A saga is a kind of story, usually one that is long, has dramatic or heroic parts, and may cover a period of several decades (The saga of her relationship history).

✅ Both of these terms refer to narratives that are shared in order to entertain, which may be true or fictional.

Story is a more general term, whereas saga suggests length and a potentially meandering or complicated sequence of events.

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boost is a synonym of encourage

verb [ boost ]

boost is another word for encourage

Encourage means to inspire or support someone or something (I’m grateful to those who encouraged me).

Boost means to encourage and support through promotion or sharing a good opinion (I always boost my favorite businesses).

✅ Both of these terms mean to support or metaphorically lift up.

Encourage is used more widely than boost.

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fellowship is a synonym of togetherness

noun [ fel-oh-ship ]

fellowship is another word for togetherness

Togetherness refers to close, warm friendship and companionship (A feeling of togetherness defined our holiday).

Fellowship refers to a sense of companionship, often including a sense of equality or camaraderie (After our adventures, we had an unbreakable fellowship).

✅ Both of these words refer to friendship and companionship. They also both refer to a sense of mutual fondness and shared experience.

Fellowship is a little less commonly used than togetherness and can sound old-fashioned.

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