
  1. 9 Annoying Phrases And What To Say Instead

    You know the type who backfires with “it is what it is” when something doesn’t go right, or the person who constantly yells out “YOLO,” even when it’s not appropriate.

  2. Code Words You Use When All You Really Want To Say Is S.E.X!

    We've compiled a list of those harmless, coded words for sex. Sit back and take notes about how to signal to your lover the next time you need a quick getaway.

  3. Do We Need The Oxford Comma? Here Are 9 Hilarious Real-World Examples

  4. 10 Words That Describe Toxic Friendships

  5. 10 Words To Help You Rebrand Yourself

    Perhaps it's time to boot up a new you. Tired of the old one? In need of a quick makeover? How about turning what you perceive as a negative into more of a positive?

  6. 10 Words That Will Empower You

  7. Learn How To Lie From These 9 Historical Attempts

  8. 12 Synonyms For “Toilet”

  9. 9 Synonyms To Use For “Summer”

  10. 10 Different Ways To Say You’re Speechless

  11. 8 Words To Use Instead Of “Lame”

  12. Other Words For These 9 Bodily Functions