“Were” Vs. “We’re”: We’re Here To Explain The Difference

Quick summary

The word were is the past tense plural form of the verb be, while we’re is a contraction of we are.

The words were and we’re are only an apostrophe apart, but there’s a big difference between them when it comes to meaning and usage. 

In this article, we will define the words were and we’re, explain how they are typically used, and provide examples that show how we use them in sentences. 

What is the difference between were and we’re?

The word were is a form of the irregular verb be. Were is the past tense form used with nouns and pronouns in the first-person plural, third-person plural, and the second-person singular and plural, and with singular they in the first-person singular. Finally, were is used in combination with other verbs to form the past continuous tense

Here are examples of all these uses:

  • First-person plural: We were at the park yesterday.
  • Third-person plural: The chairs were in the storage closet. 
  • Second-person singular or plural: You were asleep when the party started. 
  • Singular they: Nobody noticed the culprit because they were so quiet.   
  • Past continuous tense: We were traveling overseas when the war started. 

The word we’re is a contraction of the phrase we are. It means the same thing as we are and can be substituted for it in a sentence. 

For example:

  • We are professional chefs. 
  • We’re professional chefs.
  • We haven’t solved the puzzle yet, but we are close. 
  • We haven’t solved the puzzle yet, but we’re close. 

The word where is often confused with either were or we’re. Where typically refers to a place or location and can be used as an adverb, conjunction, pronoun, or noun. For example, you could say, I don’t know where the deer ran off to.

To learn more about how to use where, check out “‘Where’ vs. ‘Were’: What’s The Difference?” 

Examples of were, we’re, and where used in a sentence

Let’s look at examples that show how we typically use were, we’re, and where in sentences. 

  • The kids were outside last night watching the fireworks. 
  • We’re ready for whatever comes our way. 
  • Where are my favorite socks?
  • We’re doing better now than we were last month. 
  • We were caught outside in the rain last time, so we’re going to stay inside longer this time.
  • We’re returning to the place where we were camping when we saw the moose. 

Sometimes, less is more. Learn all about how contractions like "we're" shorten your speech.

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