

View definitions for witness box

witness box

noun as in witness stand

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But even on her ninth day in the witness box, experts say, Arias was able to deflect some of the potential damage.

Unlike Anthony, however, Arias has chosen to tell her sordid tale from the witness box.

There are no smiles, and they rarely take their eyes off the witness box to look over at the defendant.

Day after day survivors entered the witness box and spoke in the first person singular.

Another week was spent fighting over running powers, facilities, etc., and I was in the witness box again.

They will come out of their gardens soon enough, and have to go into offices and the witness-box.

To confirm the evidence of these gentlemen two or three sailors were put into the witness box.

If Mr. Bradlaugh put his co-defendants in the witness-box, one of two things might happen.

But he overreached himself by this hypocrisy, and obliged Mr. Bradlaugh to put his co-defendants into the witness-box.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


