white lie
Example Sentences
All it takes is one little white lie, and Frances stealthily gets her foot in the door of the Kyte family home.
The old saying is that a little white lie will never hurt somebody, and sometimes it actually makes things a little better.
"I'll do it," replied John, but he soothed his conscience by telling himself that it was a white lie.
The Frenchman delicately defined a white lie to be "valking round about de trooth."
And pray take notice that after the first White Lie or two, circumstances overpowered them, and drove them on against their will.
It is a lie, I admit—but a white lie—the only explanation you can give, if you would still preserve your secret.
"I beg pardon, Captain," he said, to which he added a white lie.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.