adjective as in alcoholic
Strongest matches
Strong matches
adjective as in intoxicative
adjective as in spirituous
Example Sentences
We wine nerds may be skeptical of your vinous abilities, but we love being surprised.
They are vinous, herbaceous, and reminiscent of sourdough yeast starter.
Spontaneous fermentation results in a sour quality with vinous notes.
Despite its reputation as the vinous equivalent of a beer helmet, box wine is gaining new respect.
So, being also a little under vinous influence, he stammered out something, and then fairly blubbered for joy.
Not in the wildest days of Eastcheap revelry did it resound in any one key of vinous harmony.
Herr Paul, with a somewhat vinous glare, still muttered, "But your duty to the family!"
These latter were intended to weaken, alter, or evacuate, and he198 was especially partial to the use of vinous remedies.
It is obtained from vegetable substances by their going through the vinous fermentation.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.