urban legend
noun as in widely distributed untruth
Weak match
Example Sentences
His sudden obsession with the urban legend Candyman jolts his canvases to life—though it may not be the kind of life he wants.
Genre conventions are themselves like urban legends, a framework that each new generation adds to and builds upon.
As a horror figure, Candyman feels like a real-life urban legend that’s always been with us.
That story may be Olympic urban legend, but with Nurmi, driven as he was by Finnish sisu, it’s totally credible.
According to researchers who have studied the “lights out” urban legend, it flourished partly because the summer of 1993 was one of the worst stretches of crime Chicago had ever seen.
As The Miami Herald declared in a recent headline, “Obamacare enrollees become urban legend.”
I always thought it was an urban legend that the VW Bus is the most dangerous vehicle ever made.
In her deposition, she told plaintiffs attorneys that she considered drug diversion an “urban legend” and a “folktale.”
Think of the readiness to accept the (utterly bogus) urban legend about the Super Bowl leading to wife-beating.
But in 2009, McGillis squashed that urban legend in an interview with the San Diego Gay and Lesbian News.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.