upward flight
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Example Sentences
The arrow doubtless signified, in its upward flight, his own future career.
From Project Gutenberg
Now and then a more lonely ghost, appearing as if wrapped about in a cloak of silver mist, would pursue his upward flight alone.
From Project Gutenberg
While all eyes follow the ball in its upward flight you lower the left hand and take the white ball from the profonde, palming it.
From Project Gutenberg
Their upward flight had indeed taken but a matter of a minute, and already they were hundreds of feet above the sea.
From Project Gutenberg
Yes, that will happen shortly, as it is setting; but I must stop our upward flight more quickly than that.
From Project Gutenberg
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.