noun as in negligee
Example Sentences
In a story with multiple twists and turns, rangers in Glacier National Park have reunited a teddy bear with its owner more than a year after it was lost in the Montana park.
On route to the estate, a horse-drawn carriage passes her and a teddy bear falls from the carriage.
Nobel once saw the aftermath of this decision in a couple in Saguaro National Forest who had fallen victim to the notorious teddy bear cholla.
In a 35 mph car accident, Teddy would turn into a projectile with a force equivalent to about 5,300 pounds.
During these past several months, Teddy’s sidestroke performance makes me laugh several times daily.
Thankfully, Aquaman is there to save the situation and give her a pep talk, while she clutches a teddy bear.
From the Teddy Bears—whoever they were—in 1958 to Amy Winehouse in 2006.
One of the earliest ticker-tape parades was for Teddy Roosevelt when he returned from an African safari in 1910.
More hokey than the inspired objects recalled by the curators: A frumpy teddy bear.
Asked what kind of Democrat she was, Teachout responded without missing a beat, “A Teddy Roosevelt Democrat.”
Well, you know he's a new bear; he isn't your old one, so I wouldn't call him Teddy.
With Benny sitting by to watch proceedings, Jess mapped out a remarkable Teddy-bear.
This bear was a poor looking creature, which had once been an expensive bright-eyed Teddy-bear made of brown plush.
"Hal" and "Teddy" and "Chestnut" are very tired for they have been pulling the plough, the wagon, or doing some farm work all day.
Father had hitched Teddy, the buckskin horse, to the big sleigh and was going for the Doctor.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.