noun as in business establishment for serving drink, food
Example Sentences
A few Saturdays ago, a charming teacher asked Katherine Palmer, 64, on a date at a local tavern.
The tavern originally consisted of three keg taps and four barstools alongside the repair pit.
The tavern is the only business in Monowi, and running it is Eiler’s most important and longest-standing job.
I ask her if the news stories and social media — where travelers share proud selfies with her and accounts that specialize in fascinating facts repost images of the tavern — have been a boon for business.
Whoever was elected captain would take them down to the local tavern and they’d get blasted.
Throughout the years it has also served as a sailor tavern and a high-end restaurant.
She could have auditioned to be the tavern wench or a faerie; instead, she signed on as a merchant, knitting chain-mail bikinis.
So raucous did the celebration get that City Tavern took the unusual step of sending along a bill for “breakage.”
At the end of the fourth season premiere, Arya and The Hound stumble upon a tavern in the woods.
“I was just with him at the Minetta Tavern, having a martini and a burger,” she says.
Tatham says, "Even the tavern keepers were compelled to exchange a dinner for a few pounds of tobacco."
"I think I'll stroll down to the tavern and see this stranger," I replied carelessly.
It has been years since they have had a license at our tavern, so there was a solitary man in the bar-room when I entered.
To solve this one I stopped on the tavern steps, leaned against a pillar, and gazed through the dozing village.
Longcluse had made up his mind promptly on the night of the billiard-match played in the Saloon Tavern.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.