noun as in process server
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Not being a part of the classroom ecosystem means he needs to summon great self-determination to daily sit in front of his laptop in his bedroom to attend classes.
Simple interventions, namely revamping the summons form to emphasize the court date and possibility of arrest and sending text reminders for an upcoming court appearance, help reduce no-show rates, researchers report online October 8 in Science.
The study evaluated these two policy changes to New York City’s summons process that were gradually phased in during 2016.
Research suggests that the brain may summon spirits as a means of coping with trauma, especially the pain of losing a loved one.
He and his neighbors watched on cable television as DeJoy, summoned before House and Senate committees in late August, insisted that cost-cutting, not politics, motivated the operational changes.
In this case the midwife was afraid to go alone with her summoner, and begged that her husband might accompany her.
Thus I did until the summoner of death came to my abode, and disasters occurred before me.
The 3rd represents the Summoner led away, but this time neither to profit nor to pleasure, by his horned companion.
He had a Summoner ready to his hand, who worked under this strict archdeacon with equal severity.
Thank you, said the greedy Summoner; and they shook hands, and promised to be staunch friends and sworn brothers till they died!
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.