Example Sentences
Stamped “MNR,” they belonged to families who had fled or been deported and will never return to claim them.
Even today there are works stamped “MNR” and found by the Allies but whose owners have never been identified.
Following my arrival at Ben Gurion Airport an immigration officer queried whether I wished to have my passport stamped.
Each item had been stamped and approved in efficient triplicate by his very own Bureau of Prisons.
We have our passports stamped and are waved back into Turkey.
He stamped his foot to the ground in vexation, and recurred to his original determination.
Leo stamped down the fire with his heel and the Girl flung the flower-wreaths out of sight, shuddering as she did so.
Were the courts to be closed on the ground that no legal business could be done without stamped papers?
From every rank in society they had gravitated—but all were stamped with the same brand—destitution!
Suddenly Winston looked up, and the care which was stamped upon it fled from his face when he saw the girl.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.