Example Sentences
Just think of a seed keyword that best describes your niche, enter it into SE Ranking’s Keyword Research tool and you’ll learn which websites rank for the search term in the selected area.
At the beginning of the pandemic, people who were infected with the virus boarded planes and rapidly seeded outbreaks all over the world.
Arlan Hamilton, a seed-stage investor, has a course on the platform.
In 1983, a 500-calorie spa-food holiday featured cranberry-raspberry mousse and poppy seed bread.
She sprinkles mustard and cumin seeds over thick-cut vegetables, then roasts them and drizzles with honey.
Each side has deeply seeded beliefs that are based on directly opposing ideologies.
His dollars seeded the field of partisan media as we know it today.
The restaurant harvests its oysters from nearby marshland beds seeded with crushed shells to help the young ones get a footing.
Other than Ohio State and University of Cincinnati being seeded one or two spots higher than they should, probably nothing.
For some reason, this means George Washington will be seeded well.
This time Betsey thought she would try the small sultana raisins in place of the regular seeded ones.
Sometimes she used the seeded raisins or the small sultana raisins, or again the "Not-a-seed" raisins.
Betsey measured out a half-cup of seeded raisins, put them in a small bowl and poured over sufficient boiling water to cover.
It had seeded trout streams with fingerlings and the lake itself with baby big-mouthed bass.
They may be pitted, or seeded, or they may be left whole, depending on personal preference.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.