noun as in mores
Example Sentences
The worship of some of these deities appears to have included orgiastic rituals: music, wine, sex.
YouTube videos of Masters performing such rituals can be found here, here and here.
Some streams of Buddhism have the trappings of worship, rituals, and semi-divine beings, but others do not.
Grown in the jungle by the indigenous Kichwa, guayusa (gwhy-you-sa) is a sacred leaf used in ceremonial rituals.
The room was full of dozens of urns, each full of olive oil, used in some of the Yezidi rituals.
More especially, no such individual has ever called at his house, much less copied any rituals of which he may be in possession.
I am of course thoroughly familiar with these war chants, rituals, etc.
In this character they are exhorted with elaborate prayers, rituals, and ceremonials.
Leaves and twigs of cedar were burned as incense in ceremonial rituals in order that evil influences might be driven away.
It was five hundred years ago that the religion of Argo in Leptar purged all her rituals and instituted new ones.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.