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adjective as in broken

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While both men later retracted their comments, their careers do not appear to have suffered for them.

Amid social media outrage, Driscoll eventually declared the contract was wrong and retracted his bestseller status.

The original study that started us down this insane path by linking the MMR vaccine to autism has been retracted outright.

Opportunities for breakthroughs have often been undermined by offers made and retracted in negotiations.

But Brennan in that briefing said the al Qaeda leader died in a firefight, a claim the White House later retracted.

They were condemned on confessions of Islamism and paganism, extorted by the rack, and afterwards retracted.

He, however, afterward retracted this disavowal, and owned Demaratus as his son.

The next week the Declarator retracted, in the manner in which it always retracted when a retraction was necessary.

But, instead of reiterating his former accusations, he retracted almost every point.

With the motors retracted it was next to impossible to get to them, past their hydraulically operated booms and actuators.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


