adjective as in caught in the act
Weak matches
adjective as in in the act of committing crime
Weak matches
Example Sentences
This was beside the point, Breitbart argued, because ACORN was “caught red-handed.”
Sen. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) was caught red-handed by the C-SPAN camera making his thoughts on the bombed joke all too clear.
Having been caught red-handed with a smoking bong firmly pasted to his maw, the long knives are out for the Olympic hero.
We've caught six men red-handed right on the rookery, with dead seals, most of them females.
He was captured red-handed in the act at yonder window, listening to that which he may never know and live to prate about.
The son miraculously escaped these red-handed reprisals; and Hamilcar's faithful slave smuggled him aboard ship for Athens.
Here was Elaine, caught red-handed in the commission of all three of these stupendous crimes.
Maunders himself was too much of a coward to steal, too politic not to realize the disadvantage in being caught red-handed.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.